We are starting to get some nice garden produce already. Our lettuce is bountiful, and tonight we enjoyed both English peas and sugar snap peas. Fresh off the vine, they were delicious
Here is a picture of theĀ wild volunteer lambs quarter in the garden-I used some in our first garden salad. It has a spinach-ey flavor.
Of our three garden beds, two are thriving, the third isn’t doing so well. It’s amazing how a small difference in soil can make or break a garden’s health.

Though I started with generally the same soil, in the third bed, I didn’t quite get enough sand and mulch mixed in. So it’s got too much clay, andĀ holds water too well. Many seedlings perished from a night when we accidentally flooded it. The rest-parsley, carrots, chives and beans-Ā are struggling along. I think they may do ok as the summer progresses, but they definitely are not as well-off as the carrots and beans in the other beds!

it’s good to see your raised beds – I think they are about the same size as we have x
I think they are 6’x12′. It’s a pretty good size for us, though I can barely reach into the middles to weed, so I wouldn’t want to go any wider. We built them out of wood recycled from our old barn, which fell down last year!