Yes, we can! Exporting livestock from the U.S. is really more about importing to your country, wherever you are. So the best place to start is to check with your local government agriculture department to find out what the requirements are. We are in the “export monitored” category of the U.S. Scrapie Flock Certification Program (SFCP); which means we maintain careful records, submit samples of culls and deadstock to the USDA lab for testing, and have annual inspections with staff from our state veterinarian’s office. This is the first requirement for most countries to allow stock to be imported, is that they come from an active SFCP flock.
The next requirement is usually that a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is obtained. The buyer pays for our local veterinarian to come out and inspect the sheep for health, and she registers this inspection with the state vet office, so it’s an official record. There is usually a limited time frame in which the CVI is considered valid for the animal to travel to its destination country.
The buyer will obtain an import permit from his country, which will be linked to the CVI, and contain the particulars of the import: source flock, identity of the animals, the mode of transport across borders, and the planned time frame of the import.
There may be other requirements- testing for certain diseases (which our vet would also do at the time of the CVI inspection), tattooing the animal with the country of origin name, or filling out documents verifying our flock has been free of diseases of concern, like OPP, for a number of years. Some countries require a quarantine procedure before the animals are shipped.
We can work with you to meet your requirements for importation, just ask!