KMC 23051

Offered for sale as a purebred, register-able Katahdin ram lamb, $400

Unusual dilute/buckskin roan tick, panda faced ram lamb. He has modest and balanced EBVs across the board, is just a standard, middle-of-the-road guy, but I know someone is going to want these fancy colors. A mix of local and Birch Cove (David Coplen, Missouri) genetics.

I brought this one inside on a dark and stormy night because he kept getting separated from his dam in the big field, and I didn’t have time to mess with them. Meanwhile a ewe in the barn aborted twins, so I just grafted this one on to her. He does nurse off her and they are bonded. But she turned out not to have a great milk supply, so he’s mostly been eating creep feed at this point, and could be weaned and go to a new home at any time. He should stay on creep feed at least until June before being turned out on grass alone, to allow his rumen to fully develop. Photo taken April 2023. EBVs from BWT data.

0.353 1.837 2.679 7% 10% 0.241 0.795 119.00 102.44
Twin birth
DOB: 2/27/23 

KMC22035 BC H 973 BC G 933
BC D 337-22
KMC19041 KMC 7018
BC C 279
KMC18041 KMC5088 WRN006
BC C 298
KMC5005 WRN006