KMC 6089

Offered for sale as a registered ewe with ram lamb at side $395 before 6/30/19

A very standard white ewe and a good mama. Her dam was a very productive ewe here, raising 30 lambs over a thirteen year lifespan. Unfortunately, she didn’t get credit for that prolificacy because she arrived here too old to have most of her lamb crops counted in NSIP; so this girl’s NLB score is lower than it should be, which also drops her index down. I believe this ewe is likely to twin most of her life. Her growth scores are modest, and her milk score is also low. So if she does ever have triplets, one might be poised to orphan-rear one, feed her really well, or be prepared for slower growing lambs. In general I expect this ewe will be productive and easy-care for many years to come.

This ewe is an upgrade to purebred status, as her dam was a recorded ewe. Her lambing record starting as a two-year-old: 2/2, 2/1. She had a stillborn lamb this year along with a healthy twin. Photo taken Jan 2019.  EBVs from April 2019 lamb crop birth data. This ewe can go with her ram lamb at side (as an unregistered grower- #19120, a fawn colored ram with white socks) before the end of June for $395. After that, I will wean the lamb and raise the price on both.

-0.28 0.492 1.298 -9% -3% -0.469 -1.223 95.49 96.49
Twin birth
DOB: 4/15/16
QR or RR at codon 171
KMC5071 KMC2022 KMC0024
BC C 291 JRB1231
BC Z 067-13
KRK33 (84.4%) BP31 CVF29
BSA149 BSA67


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