Ram Marking Harnesses


Iā€™ve been really pleased with using marking harnesses with the rams this year, itā€™s reassuring to verify that everyone is getting bred on schedule, and that there were no accidents earlier in August that I didnā€™t know about! Here are two girls with nice clear blue marks on them, indicating that in five months, they should have some of Hersheyā€™s lambs.

But, here is one that didnā€™t go as planned:


Oops! Thatā€™s both blue and green! Thatā€™s ā€˜cuz Hershey busted through the hotwire separating the groups on a couple of occasions. So, oh well, Iā€™ll have a few lambs with a mystery sire. If they are great and Iā€™m dying to keep them, I can DNA test them so they can be registered; otherwise theyā€™ll just go on the locker list. And this is probably where the marking harness provides most of its value, is when somebody gets where they shouldnā€™t. Without them, Iā€™d have no idea what went on in the few hours Hershey was in the wrong pen, where this way, at least I can quantify the damage!

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