Fencing Done

FencingDone I donā€™t like to count a task finished until Iā€™m really done- tools put away and everything. But I can pretty much say Iā€™m done fencing the center field. At least, I was able to move the sheep into it at the end of September. I had a few lingering details left to finish, like filling in some nasty ankle-twister holes in the field and adjusting a gate that didnā€™t ride smoothly. Iā€™ve done those now.

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Ram Marking Harnesses


Iā€™ve been really pleased with using marking harnesses with the rams this year, itā€™s reassuring to verify that everyone is getting bred on schedule, and that there were no accidents earlier in August that I didnā€™t know about! Here are two girls with nice clear blue marks on them, indicating that in five months, they should have some of Hersheyā€™s lambs.

But, here is one that didnā€™t go as planned:


Oops! Thatā€™s both blue and green! Thatā€™s ā€˜cuz Hershey busted through the hotwire separating the groups on a couple of occasions. So, oh well, Iā€™ll have a few lambs with a mystery sire. If they are great and Iā€™m dying to keep them, I can DNA test them so they can be registered; otherwise theyā€™ll just go on the locker list. And this is probably where the marking harness provides most of its value, is when somebody gets where they shouldnā€™t. Without them, Iā€™d have no idea what went on in the few hours Hershey was in the wrong pen, where this way, at least I can quantify the damage!

Garden Round-Up


Our garden produce is winding down for the year. We got an amazing amount of stuff, considering how little effort we put in. We have a whole basket full of potatoes in the pantry, which we are rapidly eating down. I love to make mashed potatoes with either a sweet potato or yam mixed in- a tip I learned from a past neighbor of mine, Barb, who felt that sneaking those in improved the healthiness of regular mashed spuds, while still pleasing her kids! šŸ™‚ It improves the flavor, too, I think!

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Livestock Advisor WSU Tour

RadioactiveHorse For the last couple of months, Iā€™ve been taking the Livestock Advisor course thatā€™s sponsored by Washington State University. The concept of the course is to get a broad overview of training about all types of agricultural livestock; and then to give back to the community by sharing this information in a variety of volunteer opportunities. Iā€™m enjoying the courses, though they are a bit more basic than Iā€™d hoped. But, you always pick up something from a class, and Iā€™ve learned a few new things.

Last week, we traveled to WSU to do a whirlwind tour of all of their agricultural facilities.

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New Roo


Out of the 21 Rhode Island Red hatchery pullets I bought last spring, I was hoping one might turn out to be a mistaken rooster. And these ladies are so assertive that more than once I thought I did have a rooster, with the way they spar, and mount each other! But, I finally decided it wasnā€™t the case- I have sixteen hens left, and no sire amongst them. So, I have been on a quest for a RIR roo!

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Flushing Ewes Again This Year


I waffled again this year on whether or not to ā€œflushā€ the ewes prior to breeding. Flushing is putting them on an increasing plane of nutrition as they come into heat, coaxing their bodies to release more eggs, to render a higher rate of twins and triplets. Last year I did it, and had a 200% lamb crop born, so I think Iā€™m going to stick with the plan for another year or so; and then maybe experiment with dropping it and see how it compares.

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The Future of Katahdins and Meat Sheep

EweAndLamb The last speaker I listened to at the KHSI Expo was Dr. Kreg Leymaster, a researcher from the USDA Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) in Nebraska. His talk was inspiring, he made me feel pretty fired up about our breed! šŸ™‚ MARC is doing a lot of research on sheep breeds, trying to winnow down which ones are the best producers, the best tasting as lamb, and have the lowest maintenance requirements. I gather that the general vision at MARC is to help America develop the dreamiest sheep breed ever: one that consistently produces 200% or better lamb crops, with no help, thrives on the average forage offered by the open range (not grain feed lots!), and renders high quality, good-tasting lamb. The ultimate put-dinner-on-the-table sheep!

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Old Lady Udder

Triplets Udders have been on my mind the past few weeks. OurĀ  7-month old ewe lambs were still nursing on their overly indulgent mothers. I will be separating the ewes in a few weeks, because the ewe lambs are going to pair with a different sire than the older ladies. I figured it would be good to get weaning out of the way before then; both so the mothers could start adding some condition (though none of them are thin!) and so the ewe lambs wouldnā€™t be stressing about weaning during the week they should be breeding. So, a few weeks ago, I split the hotwire enclosure into two halves.

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